So, the end of the World is coming? Tomorrow you say?

Jesus Coming Soon

Today, I am changing gears a bit. A warning for my one religious reader…It may not be pretty…

The people that believe that the world is going to end on May 21st are FUCKING IDIOTS! FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU!

Who joins these groups anyway? I get annoyed by these vocal religions that claim that Jesus is coming. Come on. Really? You believe that? The world is going to end? Continue reading “So, the end of the World is coming? Tomorrow you say?”

Jesus vs. Jeezus!

Once in a while I find a comic that summarizes all that is wrong with the modern Christian Right. Today I bring you “Jesus vs. Jeezus”. Not only is the comic great, the artist’s comments after are spot on. There has been a hard shift in the political spectrum in the last 15 to 20 years trying to overthrow many rights our parents and grandparents fought hard to get. Women’s rights, legalized abortion, birth control, keeping religion out of the classroom, separation of church and state, etc… Let’s not forget that…

Though I will post the comic for you, please go to the site to read the rest of the comments. Worth your time…

I haven’t forgetten you! Here are some pics…

I have been going through a MAJOR change in my life. Though this blog is not for me to air my dirty laundry on what’s going on in my life, I just wanted to let everyone that knows me know that I am doing OK. Life sometimes throws you some curve balls…

Here are some recent pictures that I enjoyed. Hope you do too…





(the last one is not very PC, but some of it is funny…)

Sunday’s Funny Images of the Day(NSFW)

I have accumulated a couple of random  pics over the last few days. Maybe appropriate that I am posting the blasphemous jesus images on Sunday! If you are offended, then just try to un-see them 😉 I’ll be back in about a week to weed through your complaints…






The Pre-Easter Pictures Post!

I have fallen off posting my saved images & comics on Saturdays. Sorry. Sometimes, I get occupied on Saturday, and other times I just don’t want to wait until then to get out new content. With one of my least favourite holidays this weekend( I really can’t stand stupid Easter), I am feeling a bit anti-religious today, so you get them a couple of days early!

I was talking yesterday to one of my friends and we couldn’t remember which day is the important one for the Catholics. Is it the day Jesus died, the day he woke back up, or the day he floated away? Or did they happen all on the same day? The two good things about Easter are chocolate and getting a day off with pay to go mountain biking. Oh, I guess the only other possibly good thing, is that corporations haven’t gone crazy with advertising like they do at Christmas.


I hope I don’t bump into a bunch of church hikers on the mountain this weekend!