Who are America’s Enemies?

I believe that the American political machine goes out and looks for trouble. They create their enemies as a means to spread the global economy. Some analysts are insisting that the USA shouldn’t talk to their enemies. I don’t see how they could go into another country, where they are not winning the war, and just stay there, and not negotiate a peace treaty. I think McCain doesn’t get it(he calls people from North Korea “Gooks”), but hopefully Obama gets it. Here is a short article on the topic of talking to the enemy…If there are any of course!

[From Talk is Cheap, Even with Enemies]

This just in… Apparently if you smoke more than 5 joints a day for 20 years you lose some brain functions?? Really? What a shock.

As well, brain scans show that parts of the brain shrinks from such large and frequent exposure. I think the shrinkage was from all the hydrogenated potato chips that they snacked on. Not good for you 😉

[From EUROGRADUATE LIVE – News Story : Life Sciences : Marijuana use shrinks brain]

2007 Darwin Award Winner!

Here is the final talley of the 2007 Darwin awards. Enjoy!

The Onion has reported that the CIA has just come to the realization that they have been using black highlighters all these years!

And I was just reading some stories on Digg.com, and came across an article that states that a recent study shows that smoking pot makes brain cells grow. I thought, Wow, this sounds great. Then, I realized that the origin of the story was from my old school, Simon Fraser University, and the student newspaper, The Peak. I think that SFU has the most pot smokers per capita, than any school in the world…Now, I am not so sure of the story’s true nature!

And lastly, here is a great story about the “Princess of Paleontology”. A 12 year old started a fossil revolution.

The northern lights.

For my readers living up north, you may have seen the northern lights. They are beautiful! Here is an article on some new research done by NASA.

And a word of warning, atheists are growing in numbers down south

And here is a great PSA on why you should avoid Reefer…

12 products from Capitalist hell…

Here are 12 products companies thought were a great idea!!!

And on a similar vein, have you ever wondered why Pot may be illegal? Much like our ability to make a perfect forever lasting lightbulb, but don’t… Hemp clothes seem to last forever. Here is an interesting article about hemp clothes.