What Would Happen if You Bought 25 Bottles of Nyquil?

I have recently been reading quite a few stories over at Violet Acres(check them out!). This article was particularly good. It was all about the question, “What if?”

What Would Happen if You Bought 25 Bottles of Nyquil? – Violent Acres:

Though I never took Philosophy in University as I thought it too flaky(I don’t feel that way now), this article on Mathematics is great!! Apparently this fellow named Plato 😉 seemed to think that we didn’t invent math, but discover it. I tend to believe that argument. But read on to make up your own mind.

The following comic came from dvorak.org/blog, but the origin seems to be from cectic.com, one of my fellow Canadians…It is a toungue in cheek look into some people’s belief that prayer works!!!Idiots…


Top 5 Glasses of Water on the Planet

I am fortunate to live in a place where the water is clean, and tastes great. Most of the world is not so lucky. And a small group of people are very lucky, and drink the best water on the planet.

Linkinn – Top 5 Glasses of Water on the Planet:

You could always get people to ban di-hydrogen monoxide(H2O). A lesson learned to not sign petitions until you are educated on the real intent, and to not follow the crowd “just because”.

Penn and Teller are also talking about how crappy bottled water can be. Here they are on Youtube…again.

A couple has IMHO killed their daughter, and should be charged with manslaughter. Their daughter got ill a month ago, and instead of going to a doctor to receive help for a preventable form of diabetes, they prayed…WTF! THey also have a couple of other children, and the story states that the police are NOT taking them away. What is wrong with these people?

‘Police: Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead of Seeking Medical Help’ by Fox News – RichardDawkins.net: