Easily distracted? Having trouble getting motivated? Go silent! | The Daily Post at WordPress.com

Yes, and yes. lol. I have a lot on my plate nowadays to be honest. By the time I have the kid(s) in bed it is approaching 9pm and my fiancee and I open up the laptops and attempt to zone out for a couple of hours before bed.

However, the internet is a major distraction. I check my email, start up a chat with someone, catch up on all my Twitter feeds, Google Reader, laugh at some stupid video on Youtube. Like this one…Pretty much the best video ever made…I laugh my ass off everytime.

See, I got distracted again. Spent 10 minutes over at Youtube…And I still haven’t done my daily blog post!

Sometimes I need a bit of either a kick in the ass, or a fresh idea to get me back on track.
I have wrote before about Getting Things Done(GTD), and I have also been merging some of the key concepts of Stever Robbin’s book 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More. But…

How do I write more?

My luck! A fresh idea posted over at WordPress.com about a Twitter/Facebook group called Silent Writers. They host a Twitter meeting every Tuesday evening at 9PM EST & PST to help motivate and share ideas around writing more, getting over writer’s block, and generally help you feel like you aren’t necessarily alone in your lonely writer’s world. lol.

I signed up to see what it’s like…See you there?


Here is the post that got my attention…
Easily distracted? Having trouble getting motivated? Go silent! | The Daily Post at WordPress.com.

First Post from WordPress.com on my iPhone

Today was a crappy snow day around my neck of the woods. I haven’t had power, water, or been able to get more than 500m down my road in my car for 24 hours. Pretty crappy for a kid from the suburbs! We luckily have a wood stove, some Starbucks Via, and a BBQ for some hamburgers.

This year I’ve got a goal of a post a day, which so far has been going well. I hadn’t taken into account that there may be days that I may not have access to my computers!

Good thing WordPress.com has a few different ways to post to one’s blog. I figure that since this exercise is a way to challenge me to write more, I might at well use each and every method over the year!

Today I am posting from the WordPress.com iPhone app. Not that I was expecting to, but now that my fiancee and I have drained the remaining power from our laptops, and we still have no electricity, Internet, and our coffee grinder is not operating, I am down to my desperate last options. Luke warm tea, and my iPhone. “There’s an app for that?” Yup. The wordpress.com app. You can post to your blog, edit them, approve comments, write or edit pages. Tons of things!

This year I have a lot on my plate. Getting married being the biggest one. The next being to finish Stever Robbin’s book, 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More and write my review. 😉

There are a couple of other ways to write a post that am looking forward to trying out. You can email it in, and the coolest way is to phone it in! I can’t wait to see how that works…so as the need arises, I will post about my experience using them.

Well, off to stoke the fire and pretend I live in the 19th century, with an iPhone…

Challenge for 2011: Want to blog more often? (via WordPress.com News)

Image representing WordPress.com as depicted i...
Image via CrunchBase

So I have been slowly building up traffic on the site. Thank you to everyone that checks it out! I feel up for a challenge in 2011. I post things on Twitter everyday, or pretty close. I also stumble upon plenty of funny stories and images everyday on twitter and in Google Reader. I want to share more of my funny, yet twisted humour with you…

As my site doesn’t really have a theme, purely my ramblings, I don’t think it will hurt my audience to post EVERY DAY this coming up year! So, starting today I will be taking the WordPress.com challenge and will be routing my general updates through the site and see if I can post 365 times!

Wish me luck!

There is a saying among writers: to write more, write more. The hardest part of blogging isn’t the tools – it’s what goes on between your ears. Many people start blogs with excitement, but lose courage when facing the blank post page, or chicken out before hitting publish. Here at WordPress.com, we know. And we’re here to help. Announcing DailyPost.WordPress.com Starting today, you can go to dailypost.wordpress.com for inspiration, encouragement … Read More

via WordPress.com News