Clemency for US death row prisoner Troy Davis denied | Amnesty International

No death penalty
Image via Wikipedia

Today, up here in Canada, Stephen Harper(our northern version of George Bush) announced a huge Crime Fighting Bill. This ‘tough on crime’ stance does nothing for rehabilitation of criminals, and study after study show that locking up criminals longer does nothing to deter crime.

The CBC(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) had Neil Boyd, the SFU Criminology Department Associate Director on today to discuss this new bill, and he thinks it is a huge waste of money, and will not make our streets safer. He goes on to say that this new bill will also take away a judge’s discretion on sentencing with a new minimum sentencing guideline.

I agree that this is a bad thing. If a judge can make an educated decision about sentencing on a case by case basis, it is much more profound than a law put into place by a bunch of politicians that have nothing to do with the case.

I think this is a step towards a criminal culture like is present in the USA. Bigger prisons to lock people up and throw away the key. I remember a couple of years ago hearing that 1% of the US population is in prison! 1%!

One other thing that really upsets me about the slow move towards heavier sentencing, is the always in the shadows debate about Capital Punishment. I hate it.

Below is a story of a man about to get executed tomorrow. Amnesty International is trying to get the death sentence stopped. They are opposed to the death penalty in all circumstances, much like me…

The State Board of Pardons and Paroles in the US state of Georgia must reconsider their decision to deny clemency for a US man facing the death penalty, Amnesty International said today after the ruling cleared the way for his execution on Wednesday.

Troy Davis was sentenced to death in 1991 for the murder of police officer Mark Allen Macphail in Savannah, Georgia.

“This is a huge setback for human rights in the USA, where a man who has been condemned under dubious evidence is to be executed by the state. Even at this late stage, the Board must reconsider its decision,” said Salil Shetty, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

“The decision by Georgia’s Board of Pardons and Paroles to reject Troy Davis’ appeal for clemency is obviously at odds with their 2007 decision when they counselled against execution if there was “doubt as to the guilt of the accused””, said Salil Shetty.

The case against Troy Davis primarily rested on witness testimony. Since his 1991 trial, seven of key nine witnesses have recanted or changed their testimony, some alleging police coercion.

via Clemency for US death row prisoner Troy Davis denied | Amnesty International.

After today’s Canadian election disaster, are you worried about the aging Baby Boomers?

President George W. Bush and Canadian Prime Mi...
Image via Wikipedia

Today’s federal election showed me, in my politically untrained eye, that Canada is splitting into two factions. Not the old federalist/separatist factions, but that of an aging baby boomer population and younger socially aware population. Continue reading “After today’s Canadian election disaster, are you worried about the aging Baby Boomers?”

Stephen Harper is evil? He’s trying hard

I can’t stand our country’s leader. He is a baby Bush, and his leadership has changed Canada from a neutral country to a militarist regime by our standards. And, our opposition parties are doing nothing to get rid of this crook.harper_is_evil Here is an article where Harper says that he will back Israel in an attack against Iran.

Here is a subjective list reposted from Reddit on Harper’s record.

As a Canadian who has been opposed to Harper and his ‘ideals’ since he gained a ‘minority’ government in Canada, I would personally like to thank who ever posted this article.

It can only help to serve removing this dangerous and idiotic man and his retarded rhetoric if we continue to expose his public doctrine.

He has opposed environmental progress. Canada was the only country to refuse any progress made at the UN sponsored Bali conference on the environment one year ago.

He allowed Canada to be the only country to reject the wording by the UN on admonishing Israel for it’s harsh attack during this past war on Gaza.

He has stood at the forefront to expand deregulation.

He has increased the power of corporations and the subjugation of the masses with expansion of the migratory workers program.

He has a purely ‘christian’ view of life for all in Canada. He believes in ‘family values’ which is to say, his values.

He is on record making racist comments, following the 9/11 attacks, as opposition leader, he said in parliament that all foriegners to Canada represent a terrorist threat.

He believes getting tough on crime means anemic increases in mandatory sentencing.

He believes and had stated that if he were PM during the beginning of the Iraq invasion, Canada would have joined.

He believes drug intervention centres such as the clinics found in Vancouver are ‘evil’.

He has tried to sneak in a classification for clean pristine lakes in Canada to quietly be turned into toxic mine tailing ponds, until the CBC found out and exposed him.

He took Canada’s WTO ruling in favor of unfair trade practices by the US in regards to our softwood lumber and through it out the window in the first week of his taken power so as to look friendly and partisian to Bush.

He has tried to hand over controlling power and interest in ‘alternative medicines’, ‘herbal based research’ to big pharma with the failed introduction of bill C51

He has single handedly allowed Canada to revert back into a ‘resource based’ economy.

He has completely ignored all green powered research and innovation.

He has attempted to take advantage of his position by attempting to change ‘law’ that would have seen the complete erosion of public funds for ‘all’ opposition parties, (with the exception of his party) to use in campaigning and PR.

This man is as ‘evil’ as a leader can get…the most atypical kind. The one that no one reads anything about, so he can continue to deface and twist democracy to his liking.

My expressed hope is that you all upvote this article, so that more people can read of our ‘shame’.

This is the only way that most ignorant Canadians will pay attention and decide to do something about this horrible leader and the smudge he makes on all of us.

Church of England To Apologize For Dissing Darwin

Only 150 years too late, the Church of England is going to officially apologize to Charles Darwin for creating doubt and misinformation on his famous theory. In the USA, the battle against evolution is raging like it was 150 years ago in England. Good to see that the USA is going backwards due to their radical religious organizations.

It is also too bad that the leading candidates for the Republicans are carrying on the tradition of George W Bush,charles_darwin_aged_51 and pushing for creationism in the science classroom.

[From » Church of England To Apologize For Dissing Darwin Dvorak Uncensored:]

I am worried that if our scary prime minister Stephen Harper gets a majority government in the upcoming election, we may be heading in the same direction. Assuming that he keeps mimicking the Bush regime like he has been for the last couple of years…

I might as well put my opinion forward now about our upcoming election. Please do not vote for the Conservatives!!!!Harper is a war monger, is pro-big business, has a horrible environmental record, and is trying to push a terrible digital copyright bill that does nothing for the consumer. Harper will set up Canada to be a real target for our upcoming 2010 Winter Olympics. Unfortunately the Liberals have put forth a flip flop leader that has no leadership qualities. I just hope for another minority government, so the Liberals can get their shit together and knock Harper out of power.

It is a pretty bad right wing political environment in Canada when I hope for a Liberal government!

While I’m at it, if you are American, please do not vote Republican!!Need I say more?

What Hit Siberia 100 Years Ago?

Hey look everybody! Another anniversary…I must be focusing on it as mine is coming up. Must remember… 😉

It is the 100th anniversary(back on June 30th) of a big ass asteroid penetrating the earth’s atmosphere, and blowing up before it hit the ground. It happened in Tunguska, Siberia. Scientists speculate that an asteroid of this size heads to earth about once every 300 years! Crap.

[From What Hit Siberia 100 Years Ago? Tunguska Event Still Puzzles Scientists]

On a different note, did you know that blogging can be dangerous? It turns out that freedom of speech is a vestige of a long ago time, and bloggers are being arrested for stating their views. I would like to take a moment to speak my mind…

George Bush. Fuck you…You are an evil bastard.
Stephen Harper. You are a mini Bush. Quit trying to please him. You are an evil bastard too…Get our “peacekeepers” out of Afghanistan. We have no right to be there.

Good to get that off my chest. 🙂

[From WIA Report » Blogger Arrests]

Warning for my friends that have been hesitant to blog on my site. Ignore the above story, and just suck it up.